Specialized Services
Several of Pinewood Centre's Community Treatment Specialized Programs are offered in collaboration with community partners.
Durham Mental Health and Drug Treatment Court
Durham Drug Treatment and Mental Health Court is our court diversion program which helps offenders facing non-violent criminal charges tackle addictions and mental health issues. The program, which takes an average of 9 to 18 months to complete, is provided in collaboration with the Durham Regional Police, Department of Justice, legal counsel for the defence and prosecution and other community partners.
Participants are required to appear in court typically every week, attend counselling sessions; see a mental health professional if needed; and submit to regular drug testing.
To graduate, participants must be free of drugs and alcohol for three consecutive months; have stable housing; stable mental health; to have a stable source of financial income; and demonstrate lifestyle changes that support personal recovery goals; and be working, volunteering or going to school. Upon graduation, participants will have their charges withdrawn or will be sentenced to a non-custodial disposition by the judge. For more information, contact 905-721-4747 ext. 31112.
The Concurrent Disorders Court Diversion Program
The Concurrent Disorders Court Diversion Program responds to individuals with both mental health and substance use concerns who find themselves in conflict with the criminal justice system. The program aims at working closely with the Durham Mental Health Court Support Program to identify those with, or suspected of having both mental illness and substance use concerns. The Program reduces duplication of services and offers those with concurrent disorders, integrated and continuous care. The average length of stay is six months.
Referral Process: Referrals come directly from Durham Mental Health Services. Other points of access include; crown attorney, duty counsel, legal clinics, other mental health service providers and police/investigative officers.
Addictions Supportive Housing Program
The Addiction Supportive Housing program accepts internal referrals for ongoing clients of Pinewood Centre who meet the required admission criteria. The program offers stable housing as a component of a holistic treatment plan that addresses individual's unique needs. The Addiction Supportive Housing program offers addiction treatment, recreational therapy, counselling, and intensive case management, which may assist individuals in acquiring/strengthening daily living skills, developing coping strategies and inviting recreation and leisure activities into their everyday lives.
Hospital to Home
The Hospital to Home Program is a partnership between Lakeridge Health's Emergency Department, Mental Health and Pinewood Centre Program, and the Canadian Mental Health Association - Durham (CMHA), and Durham Mental Health Services (DMHS). The primary goal of the program is improve the system of supports that assist people with mental health and substance use issues in spending more time at home in their communities, thereby decreasing repeat visits to the Emergency Department.
Services include:
- Appropriate linkage to community-based services that best meet clients' immediate mental health and addiction treatment needs.
- Utilizing mental health and substance use crisis and withdrawal management beds in the community.
- Accessing crisis services in the community (e.g. DMHS Mobile Crisis Service, Pinewood Centre's Addiction Supportive Services (PASS) and 24-hour crisis telephone service).
- Referral to community programs through the case management role from the hospital to community services (e.g. CMHA, DMHS Pinewood Community Treatment Services)
- Referral to Community Treatment Orders case management capacity.
Umbrellas Program
The Early Years Program, known as "Umbrellas" offers immediate services to women who are pregnant and/or parenting children under 3 years of age, and who have questions/concerns regarding their use of drugs/alcohol. Community outreach, early identification, heightened case management support and fast-tracking into Pinewood Centre services are key components of this program. Financial assistance is available to reduce transportation and childcare barriers, and to access prenatal and addiction services. For more information, contact any community treatment office.
The Youth Diversion Program
The Youth Diversion Program is funded by the MCYS and is a partnership with the Durham Region Police Service, John Howard Society, Eastview Boys and Girls Club, and Pinewood Centre. The objective is to divert youth from the justice system by referring the youth to the appropriate community based services to address underlying issues which place youth at risk of legal involvement. If the Youth opts to attend services, they sign a treatment contract with the police and upon completion of the contract, no charges are laid. Pinewood Centre provides an assessment and the Dawn program as the substance use treatment component of the contract. Upon completion of the program, the police are notified and the contract is fulfilled. Youth may opt to conclude or continue with treatment services at that time.
Back on Track Impaired Driving Program
Back on Track is Ontario's Remedial Measures Program for Impaired Drivers - people who have been convicted of or suspended at roadside (Warn Range - WR) because of an impaired driving offence. Pinewood Centre is Durham Region's designated provider. For convicted drivers, the program has three components that must be completed. The process may take more than 10 months for convicted drivers to complete so it is suggested that people register as soon as possible after conviction.
Warn Range drivers have to complete an Education or Treatment workshop depending on the number of WR suspensions they have received. WR drivers may have to wait up to 3 months for a workshop to be available.
For convicted drivers, the Back on Track Program Includes:
A one hour assessment to determine the extent of the drinking and driving problem and whether someone should enrol in the Education or Treatment Workshop.
Education or Treatment Workshops
The Education workshop is eight hours in length and focuses on:
- How alcohol and other drugs affect driving performance and safety
- The legal and personal consequences of an impaired driving conviction
- Ways to avoid drinking and driving
The Treatment workshop is 16 hours long and helps participants to:
- Learn about, and take responsibility for, their alcohol and/or drug use and its consequences
- Plan to avoid relapses and make healthier choices
- Avoid drinking and driving.
Follow-up Interview
Six months after the completion of the Education or Treatment workshop, a follow-up interview takes place to assess success in meeting program goals and to reinforce strategies to avoid drinking and driving.
For Warn Range drivers, the Back on Track Program is an Education or Treatment workshop only.
To register, please contact the Back on Track office at 1-888-814-5831 or visit their website. Once you are registered, please call Pinewood Centre at 905-721-4747 ext. 31211 to schedule your assessment.