Fire & EMR

Program Information

Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)The education curriculum is based on the National Occupational Competency Profile for prehospital providers for Canada. This information can be found on the Canadian Paramedic Association’s website. This program is between 120-160 hours of training depending on whether the firefighter has had pervious first response education. This program is based on basic life support knowledge and skill performance. This includes specific medical guidelines, oversight and direction. The level of Base Hospital and Medical Director involvement is all encompassing for all fire service medical assist responses. This program includes certification in:

Emergency First Responder (EFR)First response is a program that was designed for the volunteer/part time firefighter. The course length is about 40 hours and focuses on resuscitation, primary assessment and primary management for serious medical emergencies. This group also receives medical guidelines, oversight and direction for the type of medical emergencies they respond to. This program includes certification in:

Emergency Basic Responder (EBR) Emergency Basic Responder (EBR) is a program that was designed to deliver resuscitation, education and Medical Direction and oversight for the management of cardiac arrest. This program is 24 hours in length and includes certification in CPR and SAED


For more information, please contact our program via email or call 905-433-4370