Adult Integrated Mental Health Services

What is Adult Integrated Mental Health Services?

AIMHS provides individual and group-based treatment on an outpatient basis for adults whose primary diagnosis is a mood or anxiety disorder. The AIMHS team uses evidence-based approaches to psychotherapy, including those with a skills-focus, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and skills-only dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT). In addition to structured psychoeducational groups, groups that are process-oriented are offered. Process groups may have an interpersonal focus, with topics generated by group members. 

Note: Services are goal-oriented and time-limited. Referrals are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and will be contacted by telephone for a screening. Suitable referrals will be scheduled for an assessment with a social worker. Following assessment, the team will review the client’s presenting concerns and recommend the best available psychosocial treatment. Suitable clients will be directed to either group or individual AIMHS services for treatment. Treatment services may be offered virtually and/or in-person. Clients whose needs would be best served in alternative community programs will be redirected. Wait times for services in AIMHS vary and individuals with access to Employee Assistance Program (EAP) benefits and/or private health insurance are encouraged to pursue these options.  

What's New?

  • We have moved to a centralized intake process.
  • New group programs are expected to include psychoeducation for early bipolar disorder, stage 1 trauma treatment, mindfulness-based self-compassion, and dialectical behaviour therapy skills.

Health-care Providers and Patients Can:

  • Call: 905-440-7534 (or toll-free at 1-833-392-7363).
Please click here to access PDF referral forms. Please note that PDF referral forms are in the process of being phased out and you are strongly encouraged to use the links in the list above.

Who Do We Serve?

  • Ages 18 years or older 
  • Has a primary diagnosis or experiencing ongoing symptoms of depression, bipolar disorder (not currently in a manic phase or rapid cycling) or an anxiety disorder (including generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, panic, and agoraphobia) 
  • Individuals ready to engage in weekly group or individual psychotherapy 


What We Do Not Offer:

  • Crisis or case management services
  • Assessment for the purpose of addressing insurance, employment, or legal claims

Exclusionary Criteria:

  • Medical or psychiatric instability (active psychosis or mania, suicidality, etc.) that may impede the treatment process  
  • Problematic substance use that would impact ability to actively participate in treatment 
  • Moderate/severe impairment of cognitive function (for example due to dementia, acquired brain injury, developmental or intellectual disabilities) 
  • Active involvement in other psychotherapy for presenting problem(s) 
  • Active or recent treatment with ECT 


  • Call: 905-440-7534 (or toll-free at 1-833-392-7363).