Volunteers and Spiritual Care 2023/24

2023/2024 marked a revitalization for our Volunteer Resources and Spiritual Care teams, with many new and returning initiatives that enhanced the vibrancy of our Lakeridge Health community.

  • The number of active volunteers skyrocketed over the last year, with 220 new volunteers added in 2023/2024 for a total of 914 in the year. Altogether, our dedicated volunteers contributed an incredible 96,000 hours of service, reflecting their unwavering commitment and invaluable contributions to our community.
  • A number of exciting roles were introduced, including navigators in the Durham Region Cancer Centre, palliative care and therapeutic recreation volunteers to support all our hospitals, as well as an exciting new volunteer opportunity in our cutting-edge Surgical Centre within the Jerry Coughlan Health & Wellness Centre.
  • We joyfully welcomed back high school student volunteers at Lakeridge Gardens and into the upcoming High School summer program, marking the first return of this age group to service for Lakeridge Health since the pandemic.
  • A host of beloved annual events also made their triumphant return. Among them were the Oshawa Auxiliary basket raffle and the Ajax Pickering Auxiliary jewelry sales, both held in November. Additionally, December saw the heartwarming tradition of the annual tree lighting ceremony, bringing joy to patients and their families at the Whitby Hospital.
  • Highlights for our Spiritual Care team included Spiritual Health Practitioner, Duke Oliogu, being authorized by the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care as a Provisional Supervisor to bring Clinical Psychospiritual Education modules to Lakeridge Health, and Rabbi Michael Latz joining our team and his duties include providing formal support to Lakeridge Gardens.
  • In late November, all volunteers were invited to participate in the Professional Association of Volunteer Resource Administrators Ontario (PAVRO) volunteer satisfaction survey. More than 53 per cent of Lakeridge Health volunteers responded and there were some very impressive results, including:
    • 89.9 per cent would recommend Lakeridge Health as a good place to volunteer.
    • 89.6 per cent agreed that Lakeridge Health values the contributions of volunteers.
    • 89.6 per cent agreed that overall their work as a volunteer helps make the hospital a better place.
    • 92.5 per cent feel comfortable and accepted at Lakeridge Health.

We look forward to continuing to build on all this momentum in the coming year!